261 research outputs found

    Influence of controller parameters on the life of ball screw feed drives

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    The ball screws are the machine component most frequently used for transforming rotational into linear motion of a feed drive, to position the machine tool components carrying the cutting tool to the desired location. A failure of the ball screw usually leads to a total breakdown of the axis; therefore, the attainable life of this component is an important issue concerning the availability and productivity of modern machine tools. This article presents an approach to evaluate the influence of control parameters on the fatigue life of ball screws based on simulation, by means of a numerical model of a machine tool servo-axis. Ball screw life was evaluated with different conditions, varying the position loop main proportional gain and the kinematic limit conditions for trajectory generation. Furthermore, the mathematical model was used to evaluate optimal control gain and trajectory conditions for a machine tool based on the achievable life span of the ball screw feed drive system, with regard to the desirable performances, such as position accuracy, promptness, and cutoff frequency

    Grasping Mechanism Concepts Oriented to Debris for Removal Applications

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    Space debris regulation and reduction is an increasingly relevant theme. Several initiatives in the aerospace field on debris removal are pursued by space agencies. In this context, an analysis has been conducted on diverse mechanisms for spacecraft coupling in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) with a robotic arm. Four grasping mechanical concepts for space debris removal applications have been proposed in respect of restrictive requirements. Two concepts are based on probe and drogue mating systems and the other two on finger-like grasping systems. The paper describes the preliminary design and the operation of the proposed mechanisms. In addition, it lays the foundation for a trade-off procedure in order to evaluate advantages and drawbacks for each concept

    Modeling of Flexible Bodies for the Study of Control in the Simulink Environment

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    When studying complex mechatronic systems, it is useful to build models able to simulate both the dynamics of the phenomenon and the control system applied. Typically, the bodies involved are modeled as rigid bodies. In this work, a technique for modeling flexible bodies in Simulink environment is presented. Simulink is a powerful instrument where it is quite easy to integrate control algorithms with complex systems. The solution developed is presented and applied to a machining center. Modern machining centers ensure a level of accuracy that traditional manual machines cannot reach. Simulations of the working process considering vibrations are needed to obtain high precision machining. These simulations aim to determine the error in the position of the tool and to help designers in finding the optimal solution in terms of machining velocity and precision. This work is focused on the carriage of a machine tool moving along horizontal guides, typically named Z-axis. The axis is actuated and borne by a linear motor; therefore, movable constraints must be modeled. A finite-element (FE) model of the carriage was reduced with a Craig-Bampton reduction to provide the mass and stiffness matrices for an in-house Matlab simulation code. The rigid constraints of the carriage were implemented in the model as moving stiffnesses, and their value was set to obtain continuity of the constraints in the discrete model. In the end, a map of different vibrational configurations is proposed to visualize the possible errors that a machining process can generate

    Design of a Spherical UGV for Space Exploration

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    The paper presents the design of a spherical UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) for exploration of critical, unknown or extended areas, such as planetary surfaces. Spherical robots are an emerging class of devices whose shape brings many advantages, e.g. omni-directionality, sealed internal environment and protection from overturning. Many dedicated sensors can be safely placed inside the sphere and the robot can roll in any direction without getting stuck in singular configurations. Specifically, the proposed UGV is thought to collect images and environmental data, so required sensors are firstly discussed to evaluate in sequence of the payload in terms of size and energy consumption. The most effective drive mechanism is selected considering several possible concepts and carrying a trade-off process based on the requirements for a space mission. The optimal solution involves the use of a single pendulum: a hanging mass, attached to the central shaft of the sphere, is shifted to produce rolling. The design issues due to the selected mechanism are discussed, showing the effect of design parameters on the expected performance. For instance, the barycenter offset from the center of the sphere plays a crucial role and affects the maximum step or inclines that can be overcomed. Therefore, the pre-design phase is conducted by discussing the functional design of the robot and introducing a differential mechanism for driving and steering. A quasi omni-directionality is achieved and the mechanical components, opportunely designed according to the loads acting on the device, are arranged to match the mission requirements. Moreover, the mechatronic integration is discussed: microcontrollers, drive electronics, sensors and batteries are sized in order to reach 3 hours of continuous operation. The multibody system is finally modelled in Matlab-Simscape to verify the mechanism for the UGV testing in specific cases. Results show that a suitable layout is a 0.5 m diameter spherical UGV with a steel main structure, mounting 2 DC motors that activate a bevel gear by means of pulleys and timing belts. The spherical shell, with the internal mechanism and electronics, has a total mass of 25 kg and from standstill it can climb up to 15 degrees inclines or steps up to 25 mm, as proved by Matlab simulations. Future works will focus on the realization of the physical prototype, as well as navigation and control strategies

    Mesenteric-Portal Vein Resection during Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the outcome of patients undergoing pancreatic resection with (VR+) or without (VR 12) mesenteric-portal vein resection for pancreatic carcinoma. Between January 1998 and December 2012, 241 patients with pancreatic cancer underwent pancreatic resection: in 64 patients, surgery included venous resection for macroscopic invasion of mesenteric-portal vein axis. Morbidity and mortality did not differ between the two groups (VR+: 29% and 3%; VR 12: 30% and 4.0%, resp.). Radical resection was achieved in 55/64 (78%) in the VR+ group and in 126/177 (71%) in the VR 12 group. Vascular invasion was histologically proven in 44 (69%) of the VR+ group. Survival curves were not statistically different between the two groups. Mean and median survival time were 26 and 15 months, respectively, in VR 12 versus 20 and 14 months, respectively, in VR+ group . In the VR+ group, only histologically proven vascular invasion significantly impacted survival , while, in the VR 12 group, R0 resection and tumor\u2019s grading significantly influenced long-term survival. Vascular resection during pancreatectomy can be performed safely, with acceptable morbidity and mortality. Long-term survival was the same, with or without venous resection. Survival was worse for patients with histologically confirmed vascular infiltration

    Sensitivity Analysis of the Transmission Chain of a Horizontal Machining Tool Axis to Design and Control Parameters

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    This paper reports how a numerical controlled machine axis was studied through a lumped parameter model. Firstly, a linear model was derived in order to apply a modal analysis, which estimated the first mechanical frequency of the system as well as its damping coefficients. Subsequently, a nonlinear system was developed by adding friction through experimentation. Results were validated through the comparison with a commercial servoaxis equipped with a Siemens controller. The model was then used to evaluate the effect of the stiffness of the structural parts of the axis on its first natural frequency. It was further used to analyse precision, energy consumption, and axis promptness. Finally a cost function was generated in order to find an optimal value for the main proportional gain of the position loop

    A Practical and Effective Layout for a Safe Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Task

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    This work describes a layout to carry out a demonstrative assembly task, during which a collaborative robot performs pick-and-place tasks to supply an operator the parts that he/she has to assemble. In this scenario, the robot and operator share the workspace and a real time collision avoidance algorithm is implemented to modify the planned trajectories of the robot avoiding any collision with the human worker. The movements of the operator are tracked by two Microsoft Kinect v2 sensors to overcome problems related with occlusions and poor perception of a single camera. The data obtained by the two Kinect sensors are combined and then given as input to the collision avoidance algorithm. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the collision avoidance algorithm and the significant gain in terms of task times that the highest level of human-robot collaboration can bring

    Non-Linear SNR Degradation of Mixed 10G/100G Transmission Over Dispersion-Managed Networks

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    Enabling the mixed 10G IMDD with 100G coherent channels transmission over legacy dispersion-managed links on metro network chunks will come in handy for the operators to increase network flexibility while saving on CAPEX and operate progressive upgrades with no impact on existing traffic. We developed a semi-analytical model for 10G-to-100G XPM noise allowing QoT estimation on mixed 10G/100G systems
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